MG Buddhist

Barry ] Beelzebub ] Bertram ] BobP ] Cap'n Queeg's Cars ] El Presidente ] Furbee ] Growler ] Jim ] [ MG Buddhist ] Pen-Mawr ] Robert's Cars ] Mrs. Robert's Truck ] Zorro ]


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MGHorizon BBS


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Here we have the love of the Poets life
He added the side stripes because he was fed up with people saying "nice car, what is it?" Now they just say "MGB, what does that mean?"




This web site is a combined effort and all contributions have been supplied by the people named on this site. All the bits are got together, chewed up, fiddled with and eventually published by Dai Pen-Mawr. It is copyright all of us and thieving bits off it isn't very nice and we would get all upset. Unless of course you put a great big eye catching link back to here next to the bits you nicked!


Send any contributions to Dai Pen-Mawr