
Too Late ] [ Beelzebub ]


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T&L.jpg (93251 bytes)For those wondering what Satan's other half looks like... Here's the happy couple.

Here we have one very innocent and dare I say it, cute, looking couple.
Some of the images further down the page will show them in thier true light though!

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Digging through the archives I came across this classic shot of The Devil taken during his visit to Dai's abode when he dwelt in the UK.

The glazed eyes are a result of the consumption of large quantities of Old Speckled Hen on top of large quantities of Brandy on top of large quantities of homemade Greek hooch on top of large quantities of.....................

And after he had finished these appetisers we all went out and got drunk!

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T&TheWaterLili.jpg (111289 bytes)This is something you will very rarely see - Beelzie with a non-alcoholic drink in his hand!




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LilionCheckmate.jpg (109785 bytes)The three loves of Beelzie's Life.




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WhosyerDaddy.jpg (74877 bytes)This picture needs no caption - look at the TV in the background and draw your own conclusions!

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I figured anything e-mailed to everyone was fair game for posting on the site!

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Here we have The Secret Life Of The Evil One. That portion of his life which would totally ruin his reputation should the world know about it!


Presenting to you: Anthony James, Supermodel (all nicely dressed up in a Dweeb suit)!

Cleans up purty good for a white boy, don't he?

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Alter ego number 3240, Brian, who watches streaming video of his favourite cooking show on his super-duper DSL internet connection!

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A studio shot of Beelzebub making some Devil's music...

The only true words The Evil One has spoken so far.








This web site is a combined effort and all contributions have been supplied by the people named on this site. All the bits are got together, chewed up, fiddled with and eventually published by Dai Pen-Mawr. It is copyright all of us and thieving bits off it isn't very nice and we would get all upset. Unless of course you put a great big eye catching link back to here next to the bits you nicked!


Send any contributions to Dai Pen-Mawr