Corporal Kite

Barry ] Beelzebub ] Bertram ] Bob P ] Cap'n Queeg ] [ Corporal Kite ] El Presidente ] Furbee ] Growler ] James H ] Jachrze ] Mad Franky ] MGBuddhist ] Pen-Mawr ] Robert ] Zorro ]


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 Taken at Silverstone in 1996 just before the British Grand Prix when Damon Hill had asked for some pointers!

Those of you with eagle eyes will note Mrs. Kite in the passenger seat, navigation is not the Corporals strong point and he required someone to read the map!

Cpl Kite aided by Sekan of Turkey doing some very serious R & D work on behalf of Rover.

Cartoon © Rob Bell and reproduced with his permission.

Cpl Kite, or LAC Kite as he was then, 1956.

It was my first car, and my first soft top, an ex German Army WW2 (1940) Opel Olympia Cabrolet. I had to be very gentle with it as slamming the doors caused bits of body to drop off. Still couldn't grumble for £25.00.

This picture shows me going out on patrol to liberate the local wenches and to do battle with the enemy - the local lads in the area around our camp on the Dutch/German borders.

My mother-in-law trying to get a bite at me.
The ultimate in 'Phalic Symbols' a four story high statue in the 'Harrods' of Tokyo, Mitsukoshi Department Store.

I took both of these during my annual pilgrimage to the Land of the Rising Sun.


This web site is a combined effort and all contributions have been supplied by the people named on this site. All the bits are got together, chewed up, fiddled with and eventually published by Dai Pen-Mawr. It is copyright all of us and thieving bits off it isn't very nice and we would get all upset. Unless of course you put a great big eye catching link back to here next to the bits you nicked!


Send any contributions to Dai Pen-Mawr