This page contains links to various parts suppliers around the world, none of them are paying for this advertising so I'm gonna say what I think about them honestly. Of course if any of them do feel like sending me a wad of folding stuff then I'll happily say nice things! Now, if you read the MG BBS or the MG E-Mail list regularly you know that there are occasional discussions on the failings of one supplier or another, somebody gets all upset and has a public rant. When reading these discussions though you should remember that the people working for these suppliers are (for the most part) human.They have their failings just like you do. Not that I'm saying these suppliers are all perfect, but they do seem to be able to make most people happy most of the time.
Imagine this scenario: Joe Foneguy works for one of the large suppliers, he arrives at work at 8am on a Monday to find he is the first one there and the coffee hasn't been made yet. He puts the pot on and goes to fire up his computer while he waits. Gets it all fired up, it just about to get up and get his first coffee of the day and the phone rings. Being the (generally) nice guy he is he answers it. Now, remember, it's Monday morning, Joe isn't fully awake yet and he hasn't had any coffee. The guy on the other end of the phone is in a different time zone and has been awake and coffeed up for a couple of hours now. The customer then starts to ask Joe a bunch of questions about MG front suspension parts as he is just about to rebuild his. Joe manages to wind his brain up enough to answer all the questions about coil-over kits and tube shocks and polyurethane bushes and drilled brake discs and competition pads and lowered springs and new kingpins and all that stuff. Joe has his ordering software thingy open and ready to go, he has entered some part numbers while talking so that he can quickly confirm or cancel the order as soon as he knows what the customer wants. The customer then orders a set of standard upper crossmember pads. Joe clicks the cancel button next to all the stuff he has entered trying to be efficient, and enters the part number for the pads - only to find that the last 35 sets in stock had been sold over the weekend to people doing exactly the same as the current customer. New stock wouldn't be in for a few days and on being told this the customer gets all irate and slams the phone down. Joe sits there for a moment to calm down then starts to get up to get his first coffee of the day - the phone rings again. Once again Joe goes through the same question and answer process before taking a tiny order. Eventually Joe actually gets the chance to get his coffee, only to find everyone else coming in has emptied the pot and nobody has refilled it! As you can imagine, the next time he answers the phone he probably isn't going to be the nice, sweet guy he usually is, unfortunately the person on the other end of the phone doesn't know Joe still hasn't had his coffee and just assumes the supplier he is dealing with is no good.
So, if you want good service from a supplier, remember a couple of basic rules, don't call them first thing in the morning, give them a few minutes to get their coffee and wake up. Or better yet, wait until they have been at work for a couple of hours before calling them, if everyone did that, by the time the phone rang for the first time they will be so bored they'll be happy to answer all your dumb questions, whether or not you place an order, just to have someone to talk to! |
This web site is a combined effort and all contributions have been supplied by the people named on this site. All the bits are got together, chewed up, fiddled with and eventually published by Dai Pen-Mawr. It is copyright all of us and thieving bits off it isn't very nice and we would get all upset. Unless of course you put a great big eye catching link back to here next to the bits you nicked!
Send any contributions to Dai Pen-Mawr