The Horizonites

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Bob P
Cap'n Queeg
Corporal Kite
El Presidente
James H
Mad Franky

Puzzle Page

MGHorizon BBS


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Barry & Nurit joined us a while back, as yet I haven't found any dirt to publish on them, if I don't find it soon I'll just make it up!
beelzie.gif (1787 bytes)Beelzebub, the evil one feared by all - except Mrs. Satan, who rules the roost with a fist of iron! He is always on the lookout for souls going cheap.
Bertram has been hanging around here for some time, he has finally sent some pictures of his C for the site - now all I have to do is get him to add some descriptions to the pictures!
BobP. We have here our very own gnome. You definitely wouldn't want this one in your garden though! He has had and has got quite a collection of cars.
Cap'n Queeg. To go with our long-standing Fly-Boy we have our very own Sailor! In his own words "I was hoping to skulk in the corner a bit longer, but I guess I've been sprung. " Well now we've sprung him have a look at his page, he also has a separate one for his cars and like most of the rest of us he has a collection of four-leggers!
Corporal Kite. The Man that Captain W. E. Johns based his famous series of books on!
El Presidente is the deposed leader of a very small South American Republic, or so he says, but nobody can actually find it on the map. He is currently working in a well know den of iniquity in Cambridge as a photographer and spends his days flashing at the students that abound in the City.
growler.jpg (2646 bytes)Growler
fpb.jpg (2376 bytes)MGBuddhist, the worst punster in the world but apparently very good at Sex Ed. He is known though as a very accomplished poet and some of his work can be seen here.
The Grim Reaper, who totally fails to have us quaking in fear at his intentions.
Jachrze Pzenovich from Wolzstyn, Poland, his English can be a bit ropey and plays havoc with my spell check but when he said "Det har webpltza ist gzroovy!!!!!" in an e-mail to me I thought maybe he deserved a page of his own. Jachrze is also a designer for MG working in the new MG factory near his home town, some of his creations can be seen here.
Jim rejoined us relatively recently, he was a contributor to the origimal Horizon thread but since then he had just been hanging around poking his nose in to see what we were saying then he made the fatal mistake of joining in a conversation one day. This unfortunately resulted in him going through an immediate personality crisis but he seems to have recovered fairly well and is now happily considered as cuckoo as the rest of us! The one thing that helped him through this crisis was the ongoing restoration of his B.
James Hesser is an occasional contributor, tends to suffer from verbal diarrhoea but has some very interesting hunting techniques and some unusual car security measures.
Mad Franky is a neighbour of mine and a sadly misunderstood person, when you get to know him he actually has a wonderful personality. He has suffered some terrible misfortunes in the past, what happened to his family was awful and I would like to say that the rumours that were going around at the time were vicious and unfounded, the Police investigated thoroughly and found no evidence at all to link Franky with what happened. He has a fascinating collection of rare and unusual machetes and meat cleavers which he loves to show people at the first opportunity.
The Pen-Mawrs - Dai, the short dark one with the funny accent from the depths of darkest Wales. Fondly described by dear Beelzie as a "Welsh Warlock". This one is definitely crazy when it comes to cars and has done a few nutty things in the past. His four wheeled sweetheart Kalamity Pain was one of a long line of cars. Then we have Myfanwy, definitely the better looking one of the couple, who gives lessons on how to be the perfect hostess and how to treat your guests under all circumstances. Just don't mention Triumphs!
roberticon.jpg (2728 bytes)Robert Rushing has finally revealed his deepest secrets, Dai and Myfanwy have seen the place he was born, where the house he grew up in used to be and where he went to school. As an added treat we also heard all about the place he lost his virginity!
Throat is also a member of this group, he occasionally goes under the strange name of William. More information on him will be forthcoming as soon as I have delved into his deepest secrets and found some scandals worthy of embarrassing him with.
 Zorro, The Masked Marvel, this famous personality is currently living incognito in the Great White North, his cars can also be seen on this site, he has recently been working on his new toy, a very nice (when he finishes it!) 1973 MG BGT
As well as everyone mentioned above we also have a special page dedicated to the four legged members of the Horizonites families. As anyone who has one of these creatures knows these are the real rulers of the household!




This web site is a combined effort and all contributions have been supplied by the people named on this site. All the bits are got together, chewed up, fiddled with and eventually published by Dai Pen-Mawr. It is copyright all of us and thieving bits off it isn't very nice and we would get all upset. Unless of course you put a great big eye catching link back to here next to the bits you nicked!


Send any contributions to Dai Pen-Mawr